Particle Effects
The effects of SMOKE, WP, DPICM and APICM can be customized from the Effects tab. This allows the user to select ammunition type against the gun type and change the appropriate ammunition explosion parameters.
∆ Image11j.1: Particle Effects |
Smoke: Sub quantity, burning time and cloud size can be customized according to the user preferences. Burning time is the time which takes to burn the shell. Sub quantity can be changed minimum (1) to maximum (10) and default value is 4. Also 30 seconds and 8 would be the default burning time and the smoke cloud size respectively.
WP: Sub quantity, Air Burst Cloud Size and Ground Burst Cloud Size can be customized according to user preferences. Effects of canisters can be changed from sub quantity and default value is 18. Default value 1 of the cloud size can be changed from Air Burst Cloud Size and the Ground Burst Cloud Size.
DPICM and APICM: Customizing effects and sub-munitions related properties for DPICM and APICM. The amount of sub units (bomb-lets) and cloud size of a sub-unit explosion can be changed from Sub quantity (default value 12) and Explosion Cloud Size parameters.
DPICM Cloud Size: When the cloud size is given as 1, the sub-munitions effect volume will be approximately equal to half of the volume of a sphere which has a 4m radius.
APICM Cloud Size: When the cloud size is given as 1, the sub-munitions effect volume will be approximately equal to half of the volume of a sphere which has a 2m radius.